How To Avoid Christmas Stress
Christmas stress hit me hard this week.
I was sitting at my desk after hours of non-stop work when it dawned on me: Christmas Eve is less than an week away.
My brain went into overdrive. So much to do. So many obligations. How am I this far behind?
I imagined the chaos—rushing to clean the house, prepare meals, and meet commitments I’d promised without thinking.
Sound familiar?
We romanticize the holidays—lights, calm evenings, and joy. But in reality, we’re sprinting through the season.
Here’s how I’m learning to slow down, reclaim calm, and actually enjoy Christmas this year:
☑ Start with a list.
↳ Write down everything you’ve committed to.
↳ Ask: “What can I cut, postpone, or simplify?”
↳ Overcommitting helps no one—not you, not them.
☑ Create 15-minute calm moments.
↳ Light a candle. Sit in silence. Breathe.
↳ Dedicate this time to slowing down.
↳ Say, “This moment is for me and for God.”
☑ Simplify social obligations.
↳ Perfect meals? Spotless homes? Not necessary.
↳ People value your presence over perfection.
↳ Be available, not overwhelmed.
☑ Move at a human pace.
↳ Deliberately walk slower. Talk slower. Think slower.
↳ Recognize when you’re rushing and pause.
☑ Make room for God at Christmas.
↳ Attend a church service.
↳ Arrive super early and take time to slow down.
↳ Let go of all stress, take a deep breath and open your heart.
☑ React to stress with calm.
↳ Stress is contagious. Calm is, too.
↳ Choose to smile, breathe, and move forward deliberately.
The goal isn’t a stress-free life. It’s you learning to move through it differently.
Christmas isn’t a performance. It’s an invitation to slow down, unburden yourself, and make space for joy.
In this week's episode of my podcast 'The Walk', I share how I am trying to implement these tips. You can find the episode here:
What’s one small way you’ll slow down this Christmas?
Fr. Roderick Vonhögen