Become a Master Storyteller

  • Are you struggling to find an audience for your online videos, posts or podcasts?
  • Do you find your audience drifting off or losing interest during your speeches or presentations?
  • Does your website or advertising campaign get little to no traction?

You're not alone! As a preacher, online content creator and public speaker I have faced the uphill battle to get my message out there. But everything changed once I discovered how to convey my message through storytelling.

I now reach hundreds of thousands of people online, on TV, through public speaking and with my podcasts. And no one nods off anymore when I preach in church on Sunday!

In 8 entertaining and fun lessons filmed in the magical city of London, my Storytelling Course will transform you into a Master Storyteller who keeps people hooked from start to finish.

Access the Course - Donate Now

“Stories connect everything and everyone, and allow us to open up to the future with feelings of trust and hope.”

― Pope Francis


  • In this course, I will teach you everything you need to know to transform your message into engaging stories that reach more people, impact their lives and keep them coming back for more!
  • This unique course consists of 8 video lessons filmed at famous story related locations in London, from the place that inspired Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley to the sites used in Star Wars ‘Andor’.
  • You will learn from the world's best storytellers as we uncover the story secrets of Mary Poppins, James Bond, Harry Potter, Peter Pan and Paddington.

How to optimize your stories for the people you want to reach

I teach you how to identify the perfect audience for your stories and which questions you must answer to guarantee the impact of your message.

Never miss your mark with your message:

Join Now

The Magic Storytelling Formula to enchant your audience

I share my easy, 5-step formula to craft the perfect story that keeps people engaged from start to finish and that makes them want to come back for more.

Structure your stories for impact and success:

Discover How

How to never run out of stories to tell and have unlimited ideas

I tell you how to avoid the common struggles that storytellers deal with and how to develop routines that will improve your storytelling skills with every story you share.

Never struggle with storytelling anymore:

Learn how

Tell stories that guarantee the impact of your message and change lives

Discover the proven way to tell stories that will guarantee the impact of your fundraiser or awareness campaign, impact your followers and motivate them to join your cause.

Make sure your message changes lives:

Start Now

Why This Course is For You


You Think You Are Bad At Storytelling

✅ You wish you would have the skills of a writer or an entertainer, but you think it is just not in your DNA. Good news: you already are a storyteller even if you don't realize it! You just need the tools in this course to learn which steps to take.

You Are a Content Creator, But You Can't Seem To Grow Your Audience

✅ You have been blogging, writing, podcasting or creating videos online, but you feel stuck because your stories fail to get traction and your struggle to grow your followers. In this course, you will learn what you can do to break through that glass ceiling and to get people excited about your content.

You Are A Teacher, Preacher or Speaker And Would Like to Get Better At It

✅ It is your job to teach, instruct or inspire people, but somehow you have the idea that you could become better at getting your audience excited about what you have to say. In this course, you will learn how to improve your message by adding a structure that keeps people engaged.

You Often Face Writer's Block or Other Creative Challenges

✅ You love to create online or written content, but you frequently get stuck in the process, get overwhelmed or burned out. You swing back and forth between productive days, and times that nothing seems to 'flow' anymore. In this course, I will share with you how I overcame similar struggles and roadblocks. 

You Long For a Community of Fellow Creators and Storytellers

✅ You have been trying to get your message across through hard work, but you would love to be able to exchange tips and experiences with others to learn from them and to test your own ideas. By joining my course, you also join my online focus group that will connect you with other people who, just like you, want to become master storytellers.


Take Action Now!

Start Your Storytelling Adventure Now


Join this course before anyone else and help me develop the final version by joining as a beta tester and a sponsor.

Follow the lessons at your own pace or join my online classes where you can ask questions and get storytelling advice.

There are three levels at which you can join the course:

⭐️ Level 1: Video Course + Materials

For a donation of only €99 you get access to all eight video episodes and to all course material.

⭐️ ⭐️ Level 2: Course + Coaching

If you support my work with a donation of €499, you will get access to two group coaching sessions of 90 minutes each during which I answer all your questions and help you apply what you have learned.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Level 3: Course + Coaching + 1 Year Membership

Supporters that donate €999 or more join The Wandering Society for a full year. This learning community gets full access to all courses I produce over the course of a year (a minimum of 4 courses is guaranteed). 

Don’t let your audience drift away. Click the button below to explore my courses and start your journey to becoming a Master Storyteller!

Sign up now

Donate and Get Access

With your donation, you help me produce and improve this course, and to expand my teaching activities in the future.

Level 1 Sponsor


Early Access

  • Early access to my storytelling course
  • Access to the focus group community for the duration of the course development
  • Download and review extra material for the course
  • Access the full course once it's finished
  • Help me pick the topic of future courses

Level 2 Sponsor


Course + Classes

  • Early access to my storytelling course
  • Monthly Q&A sessions about the current course (2 sessions)
  • Access to the focus group community for the duration of the course development
  • Download and review extra material for the course
  • Access the full course once it's finished
  • Help me pick the topic of future courses

Level 3 Sponsor


All courses for a year

  • 12-Month membership of my learning community 'The Wandering Society': access to a year's worth of courses (4 courses minimum)
  • Monthly Q&A sessions for a year
  • Access to the focus group community for the duration of a year
  • Download and review extra material for the course
  • Access the full course once it's finished
  • Help me pick the topic of future courses